Part 4
The first event we held at our new house – a sort of housewarming if you will – was back in November of 2021. Each year my husband hosts a fun day for his friends, affectionately named “walkabout’. It typically takes place in November and originated from our old house whereby after a few pints in the local pub a 5-6 mile walk would take place over the Derbyshire hills, ending in a picturesque country village where more pints were consumed and good times were had by all.
The date was set and plans were made.
On the eve of the big event Storm Arwen arrived.
I can remember sitting in the dining room on the Friday evening with a couple of the early arrivals - all wearing jumpers – because it was so cold and we could feel the wind blowing through the dining rooms windows (I don’t think sealant was a thing to our house predecessors).
Now being off-grid we are super lucky to have wind most of the time – partly because we live at the end of a lane on the top of hill.
The lane up to our house consists of three hills as it twists and turns – the last one being affectionately named “cardiac hill or murder hill” because it’s a killer as it’s so steep.
So, Saturday dawns and 15 visitors begin to arrive – two or three got up the hill, for the others we managed to arrange parking at the bottom of the lane and hubby became a taxi driver up and down the lane, in the fit for purpose Land Rover.
Saturday continued lots of drinking ensued and a good time was had by all.
Sunday arrived and the task of getting those who had come up the hill, down the hill. This involved several hours, a stuck land rover, doing maintenance on the digger to get it to work and falling over about 50 times. I actually don’t know how John kept going that day after two late nights with alcohol involved – whilst very memorable I don’t think it was very enjoyable.
Anyway, the silver lining – the house we had just moved from and half the local town lost all their utilities – some for the best part of a week afterwards – and us, off-grid whilst drafty and dirty full of coal – we had heat, running water and stunning views – cut off from the world as no one could really get up or down the lane, it was in the end a little magical……not sure John would agree 🙃
Do you have a question about off-grid grid life – if so please reply and ask away?